JOB SEEKERS, the following tips are for you:

1- APPLY RESPONSIBLY: When you see a company hiring for a specific role that does not suit your qualifications at all, do not apply to that role ❌. I understand you want your CV seen for other possible roles but what you’re really doing is cluttering the recruitment process of the specific vacancy and getting automatically rejected for not being suitable for the role.

2- BE PROACTIVE: You’re not suitable for the vacancy but want to submit your resume? Sure, we’d love to have it ❤️. Do the research, get the email address for the recruiter and send your resume in with your job title as the subject line. Recruiters get hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes a day and it can be difficult to be seen so be clear. You can also connect on LinkedIn with the person who’s hiring and share your CV there with a simple intro message.

3- THINK BEFORE YOU SUBMIT: I get hundreds of InMails a day on LinkedIn that say: “Dear Rayan, I hope you’re doing well! I’m interested in the role you posted: VP of Business Development. Based on my experience as Call Center Manager at XXX, I believe I could be a good fit.” ❌❌❌
No, your previous role does not make you a good fit for this role and your InMail feature doesn’t assist you in this. Drop the InMail script and write the introduction to your experience yourself!

4- BE PROFESSIONAL: You’ve met with a recruiter. The only social media platform that you can connect on is LinkedIn. Do not follow/connect on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc… This is a professional relationship, we’re not buddies. ❌❌❌

The rules are simple:
1- Show up 👨🏻‍🏫
2- Be on time (I can’t reiterate this enough!!)⏰
3- If you must be late, call to inform/reschedule 📲
4- Come prepared 📚
5- Research the company and the role you’ve applied to 🔍

1- Yes, it’s ok to ask when to expect a response ✅
2- Yes, it’s ok to send a follow up email if you haven’t heard back in a week or ten days ✅
3- No, it’s not ok to whatsapp the recruiter and ask for feedback ❌
4- No, it’s not ok to follow recruiter on their private social media ❌
5- Yes, it’s ok to connect with recruiter on LinkedIn afterwards if you hadn’t already ✅

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